Astrophotography/Nebulae, Clusters

Rosette Nebula

별사냥꾼 2019. 11. 25. 17:22

Rosette Nebula

(also known as Caldwell 49)

NGC 2237 – Part of the nebulous region (Also used to denote whole nebula)

NGC 2238 – Part of the nebulous region

NGC 2239 – Part of the nebulous region (Discovered by John Herschel)

NGC 2244 – The open cluster within the nebula (Discovered by John Flamsteed in 1690)

NGC 2246 – Part of the nebulous region

- Telescope : 160N (f/4.4)

- Corrector : Vixen Coma Corrector PH(~0.95x)

- Camera : SBIG ST-8300M

- Mount : Rainbow Robotics RST-400

- Guide Telescope : Takahashi FS-60c

- Guide Camera : ZWO ASI 174mm

- Filter : Astronomik Ha (6 nm)

- Exposure : Ha : 600s x 22 shot ~ 13,200s(3.6 hrs)

- Date/Time : 23. Nov. 2019 / 01:378 (KST)~

- Location : Gosan, Wanju, South Korea

- SQM-L : 20.20

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'Astrophotography > Nebulae, Clusters' 카테고리의 다른 글

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