10 inch RC telescope 테스트차...
날이 맑은날은 베란다 창문 오픈...ㅎㅎ
Orion Nebula (HDR)
- Telescope : GSO 10 inch RC f/8
- Corrector : ADT HD58RC~0.8x
- Camera : QHY 268C
- Mount : Takahashi NJP Temma 2
- Tripod : Takahashi Pier
- Guide Telescope : Mizar 80mm f/6
- Guide Camera : ZWO ASI 174mm
- Filter : Optolong L-eXtreme
- Exposure : 600s x 10 shot
- Date/Time : Feb. 21. 2022./ 19:27KST)~
- Location : My home, Daejeon, South Korea
inner part of the Rosette Nebula
- Telescope : GSO 10 inch RC f/8
- Corrector : ADT HD58RC~0.8x
- Camera : QHY 268C
- Mount : Takahashi NJP Temma 2
- Tripod : Takahashi Pier
- Guide Telescope : Mizar 80mm f/6
- Guide Camera : ZWO ASI 174mm
- Filter : Optolong L-eXtreme
- Exposure : 600s x 10 shot
- Date/Time : Feb. 21. 2022./ 20:38KST)~
- Location : My home, Daejeon, South Korea
전날 찍었던 것 보다 약간 시상아 좋았던 날인듯...
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